Aminet 28
Aminet 28 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1998].iso
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# Makefile version 15.2
# Crafty v15.x makefile for Windows 95/98/NT Intel & NT Alpha
# Written by Jason Deines (jdeines@mindspring.com) April 1998
# This makefile is designed to be used from the command line with
# Microsoft's nmake. Either rename this # file to "makefile" or name it
# explicitly when invoking nmake:
# nmake -f Makefile.nt
# The makefile is set up for Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 Intel. If you are
# building for NT on the Alpha, see below for the appropriate settings.
# The default target produces a file called "wcrafty.exe". This compiles
# all the .c files separately, producing individual .obj files, which are
# then linked to create the executable. You can also specify a target
# called "wcraftyx". This creates a file called "wcraftyx.exe" by combining
# all of the .c files into two large .c files before the compile step.
# The large files generally provides more optimization possibilities for
# the compiler, and usually results in slightly faster code. To try it,
# type "nmake wcraftyx" instead of just "nmake". The .c files x1.c and x2.c
# will be created if needed and built automatically.
# Build target is defined here. For Alpha compiler flags, see below.
TARGET = NT_i386
# Command-line compiler and linker invocation commands:
CC = cl
LD = link
# Base compiler flags needed for build:
# Compiler flags:
# /O2 optimize for speed
# /Oa assume no aliasing
# /Gr fastcall calling convention
# /G5 target Pentium (but will run on all x86 architectures)
# /G6 target Pentium Pro (but will run on all x86 architectures)
# For debugging use these flags instead:
# CFLAGS = /Od /Zi
# For an Alpha build, use the following flags:
# CFLAGS = /Ox /Gs /QAgq
CFLAGS = /O2 /G5 /Oa /Gr
#CFLAGS = /O2 /G6 /Oa /Gr
#CFLAGS = /Od /Zi
# Linker flags, normally not needed except for debug builds:
# See the default crafty makefile for a description of the options below.
# With VC++, defines like COMPACT_ATTACKS, etc, makes the code slower, so
# those # options are disabled by default. FAST is normally not defined
# so that hash statistics are reported -- for the fastest possible
# executable, define FAST below.
# For an SMP build use/add the following build options.
# NT_INTEREX is defined if you want to use the built-in InterlockedExchange()
# function for thread resource locking, instead of the inline asm routine.
# /MT is a compiler flag needed for multithreaded builds.
# If you are using any external assembler routines, put the name of the
# object code file(s) here. Any such files will need to be generated
# separately -- there is no assembler step defined in the makefile.
asmobjs =
#asmobjs = x86.obj
cobjs = analyze.obj annotate.obj attacks.obj bench.obj book.obj boolean.obj \
data.obj draw.obj drawn.obj edit.obj enprise.obj epd.obj epdglue.obj \
evaluate.obj evtest.obj history.obj init.obj input.obj interupt.obj \
iterate.obj learn.obj lookup.obj make.obj main.obj movgen.obj next.obj \
nexte.obj nextr.obj option.obj output.obj phase.obj ponder.obj \
preeval.obj quiesce.obj repeat.obj resign.obj root.obj search.obj \
searchmp.obj searchr.obj setboard.obj store.obj swap.obj test.obj \
thread.obj time.obj unmake.obj utility.obj valid.obj validate.obj
xcobjs = x1.obj x2.obj
allobjs = $(cobjs) $(asmobjs)
xallobjs = $(xcobjs) $(asmobjs)
includes = chess.h data.h epd.h epddefs.h epdglue.h
wcrafty : $(allobjs)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(allobjs) /out:wcrafty.exe
wcraftyx : $(xallobjs)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(xallobjs) /out:wcraftyx.exe
$(cobjs) : $(includes)
.c.obj :
$(CC) $(BFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(ALLOPTS) /c $*.c
$(xcobjs): $(includes)
x1.c: searchr.c search.c repeat.c next.c nextr.c history.c nexte.c quiesce.c \
evaluate.c movgen.c make.c unmake.c lookup.c store.c attacks.c swap.c \
boolean.c draw.c utility.c valid.c searchmp.c thread.c
copy /b searchr.c+search.c+repeat.c+next.c+nextr.c+history.c+nexte.c+ \
quiesce.c+evaluate.c+movgen.c+make.c+unmake.c+lookup.c+store.c+ \
attacks.c+swap.c+boolean.c+draw.c+utility.c+valid.c+searchmp.c+thread.c x1.c
x2.c: book.c data.c drawn.c edit.c enprise.c epd.c epdglue.c init.c \
input.c interupt.c iterate.c main.c option.c output.c phase.c ponder.c \
preeval.c resign.c root.c learn.c setboard.c test.c time.c \
validate.c annotate.c analyze.c evtest.c bench.c
copy /b book.c+data.c+drawn.c+edit.c+enprise.c+epd.c+epdglue.c+init.c+ \
input.c+interupt.c+iterate.c+main.c+option.c+output.c+phase.c+ponder.c+ \
preeval.c+resign.c+root.c+learn.c+setboard.c+test.c+time.c+ \
validate.c+annotate.c+analyze.c+evtest.c+bench.c x2.c
del -q $(cobjs)
del -q $(xcobjs)
del -q log.*
del -q game.**
del -q *.bak